
Jul 18th, 2024
Shadi successfully defended her Ph.D. Congratulations, Dr.Shadi Badiee!

Jul 9th, 2024
July 1, 2024, Mahmoud Moradi appointed as the Bruker Analytical Science Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Jun 6th, 2024
Ehsaneh presented at the Molecular Biophysics of Membranes conference held in Tahoe, California, USA, from June 2-7, 2024.

May 15th, 2024
Nicholas Henderson joined the lab as a Ph.D. student in the Chemistry. Welcome, Nicholas!

May 15th, 2024
Milad Sangsefidi joined the lab as a Ph.D. student in the Mechanical Engineering. Welcome, Milad!

Apr 30th, 2024
Ugochi successfully defended her Ph.D. Congratulations, Dr. Ugochi Isu!

Apr 16th, 2024
Professor Moradi wins the Fulbright College Outstanding Researcher Award for the 2023/24 academic year.

Apr 15th, 2024
Ugochi Isu was selected as a D.E Shaw Research (DESRES) Doctoral & Postdoctoral Fellow. She attended a symposium in New York City on April 4-5th, sponsored entirely by DESRES.

Feb 19th, 2024
Ugochi Isu gave a talk at the Biophysical Society's annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA.

Feb 19th, 2024
Soheil gave a talk at the Biophysical Society's annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA.

Feb 16th, 2024
Moradi Lab attended Biophysical Society annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA.

Jun 16th, 2024
A paper Stephanie contributed called "Bioorthogonal click labeling of an amber-free HIV-1 provirus for in-virus single molecule imaging" was Published! Cell Chemical Biology Congrats !

Dec 1st, 2023
Ehsaneh Won First Place in MSEN Poster Presentation Contest. Congrats Ehsaneh!

Jun 29th, 2023
Goolsby, Curtis; Losey, James; Fakharzadeh, Ashkan; Xu, Yuchen; Düker, Marie-Christine; Getmansky Sherman, Mila; Matteson, David; Moradi, Mahmoud’s paper called "Addressing the Embeddability Problem in Transition Rate Estimation" was Published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Congrats !

Jun 19th, 2023
M Benton, M Furr, V Govind Kumar, A Polasa, F Gao, C-D Heyes, T-K Suresh Kumar, M Moradi’s paper called "cpSRP43 is both highly flexible and stable: Structural insights using a combined experimental and computational approach" was Published in Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Congrats !

May 30th, 2023
Shadi, Ugochi, and Ehsaneh’s paper called "The Alternating Access Mechanism in Mammalian Multidrug Resistance Transporters and Their Bacterial Homologs" was published in Membranes. Membranes Congrats Shadi, Ugochi, and Ehsaneh!

May 25th, 2023
Stephanie, Joseph, and Adithya's paper on the rocker-switch mechanism in the major facilitator superfamily was selected as the cover of Membranes! Membranes Congrats all!

May 15th, 2023
Ahmed Shubbar joined the lab. Welcome Ahmed!

May 8th, 2023
Ehsan Khodadadi joined the lab. Welcome Ehsan!

May 3rd, 2023
Ugochi defended her masters in Cellular and Molecular biology. Congrats Ugochi!

May 1st, 2023
Samuel Wamwere Mwatha joined the lab. Welcome Samuel!

April 25th, 2023
Stephanie, Joseph, and Adithya's paper called "Ins and Outs of Rocker Switch Mechanism in Major Facilitator Superfamily of Transporters" was published in Membranes. Membranes Congrats Stephanie, Joseph, and Adithya!

March 3rd, 2023
Ugochi, Shadi, and Ehsaneh's paper called "Cholesterol in Class C GPCRs:Role, Relevance, and Localization" was published in Membranes. Membranes Congrats Ugochi, Shadi, and Ehsaneh!

February 23rd, 2023
Group dinner at Pacific Catch in La Jolla, CA!

February 18th-23rd, 2023
The lab attended the 2023 Biophysical Society Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA!

January 16th, 2023
Adithya's paper called "Towards A Purely Physics-based Computational Binding Affininty Estimation" was published in Nature Computational Science. Nature Computational Science Congrats Adithya!

January 13th, 2023
Fauzia Haque joined the lab. Welcome Fauzia!

January 12th, 2023 The University of Arkansas published a news story about Moradi lab on how "Computer Models Determine Drug Candidate's Ability to Bind to Proteins"!

January 9th, 2023
Dr. Adithya Polasa will be continuing in lab as a post doctoral fellow. Congrats on the new position Adithya!

January 6th , 2023
Soheil Jamali joined the lab. Welcome Soheil!

December 29th , 2022
Vivek and Adithya's paper called "Binding Affinity Estimation from Restrained Umbrella Sampling Simualtions" was published in Nature Computational Sceince. Nature Computational Science Congrats Vivek and Adithya!

December 14th-16th , 2022
Stephanie, Adithya, and Joseph attended the BV-BRC workshap at The Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, IL. uark

December 3rd , 2022
Dylan defended his Ph.D. Congrats Dr. Dylan Ogden!

December 3rd, 2022
Vivek and Adithya's paper called "Binding Affinity Estimation from Restrained Umbrella Sampling Simualtions" was accepted for publication in Nature Computational Sceince. Congrats Vivek and Adithya!

November 21st , 2022
Group dinner at Tula.

November 14th , 2022
Adithya defended his Ph.D. Congrats Dr. Adithya Polasa!

October 25th , 2022
Dr. Moradi gave a seminar at Georgia Institute of Technology on the "Physics of Living Systems".

October 24th , 2022
Shadi passed her candidacy exam. Congrats Shadi!

October 13th , 2022
Rheana Davenport joined the lab. Welcome Rheana!

September 30th , 2022
Dr. Moradi gave a seminar in Applied Mathematics called "Computational Exploration of Protein Conformational Space".

September 22nd , 2022
Professor Moradi receives the prestigious NIH outstanding investigator award!

September 2nd , 2022
Dr. Moradi gave a seminar in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alabama, Huntsville.

August 16th , 2022
Stephanie Sauve joined the lab. Welcome Stephanie!

August 15th , 2022
Adithya's YidC paper was published in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences journal. Congrats Adithya!

July 31st , 2022
A graphic from Adithya's recent paper in the Nanoscale Advance Journal is chosen as the back cover picture!

July 28th , 2022
Group dinner at Ramen Nara.

July 25th , 2022
Joseph Williamson joined the lab. Welcome Joseph!

May 9, 2022
Ehsaneh Khodadadi joined the group. Welcome Ehsaneh!

May 3, 2022
Dylan passed his candidacy exam. Congrats Dylan!

Mar 31, 2022
Moradi Lab received the prestigious Leadership Resource Allocation (LRAC) award.

Mar 30, 2022
A UARK Newswire article featured a story on coronavirus research in an interview with Dr. Moradi.

Mar 29, 2022
Dr. Moradi gave an invited talk at the department of biomolecular sciences at the University of Mississippi Computational Exploration of Protein Conformational Flexibility from Membrane Insertases to Coronavirus Spike Proteins.

Mar 16, 2022
Mortaza gave a talk at American physical society March meeting in Chicago, IL Structural Dynamics of Prefusion Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 and its Variants: Insights from Molecular Dynamics

Mar 7, 2022
Shelby Osborn gave a talk at Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Huston, TX. 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

Feb 23, 2022
James gave a talk at BPS (abstract).

Feb 18, 2022
Moradi Lab attended Biophysical Society annual meeting in Sanfrancisco, CA.

Nov 2021
Vivek defended his Ph.D. Congrats Dr. Vivek Govind Kumar!

Aug 2021
Dr. Moradi presented at ACS.

Apr 21, 2021
THV11 interviewd Dr. Moradi about SARS-CoV2 variants of concern in the US.

Mar 26, 2021
Dr. Moradi promoted to associate professor. Congrats Dr. Moradi!

Mar 3, 2021
Reuters Health interviews Dr. Moradi on recent findings of the lab on coronavirus research.

Feb 25, 2021
A Technology Network article features Moradi’s lab coronavirus research.

Feb 25, 2021
A LiveScience article features the lab’s coronavirus research.

Feb 25, 2021
Biophysical society news room features interview with Dr. Moradi about the last findings of the lab on coronavirus. Why Some Coronavirus Strains are More Infectious Than Others May be Due to Spike Protein Movements..

Feb 22, 2021
The members of the Biomolecular simulations lab present their work and learn about the research of other labs at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society.

Nov 18, 2020
Dr. Mortaza Derakhshani Molayousefi joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome to the lab!

Oct 16, 2020
A UARK Newswire article featured a story on the work done in the biomolecular simulation lab on modeling the hemagglutinin protein of the influenza virus.

Sep 27, 2020
An article in IEEE Spectrum on the contributions of AI and other computational techniques to the study of SARS CoV-2 and vaccine development mentions the work done in the Biomolecular Simulations Group.

Aug 21, 2020
Shadi Asadian joins the lab as a Cell and Molecular Biology Ph.D. student. Welcome to the lab!

Jun 15, 2020
The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center’s website published a news story on the Biomolecular Simulation Lab’s work on the coronavirus glycoproteins. The group has used computing resources on the Anton 2 supercomputer, as part of the COVID-19 HPC Research Consortium, to quickly simulate large all-atom protein systems.

Jun 3, 2020
UARK News shared Dr. Moradi on a new episode of the Short Talks from the Hill to discuss the lab’s research on SARS CoV-1 and SARS CoV-2.

May 20, 2020
Research comparing the spike proteins from CoV-1 and CoV-2 was highlighted in the Texas Advanced Computing Center News.

May 18, 2020
An E&E News article on the efforts of the COVID-19 HPC Consortium to indentify theraputic drugs highlights the group’s research as evidence that structural difference between CoV-1 and CoV-2 require new theraputic targets.

May 15, 2020
The COVID-19 HPC Consortium blog highlighted the research being done in the Moradi lab to identify behavioral differences between the SARS CoV-1 and CoV-2.

Apr 16, 2020
Dr. Moradi is interviewed with other scientists in U.S. News & World Report for the research being done on the SARS CoV2 spike protein using supercomputers.

Apr 14, 2020
A story in the UARK Newswire on SARS CoV-2 simulations done in the Biomolecular Simulation Lab highlights the use of supercomputers made available through the COVID-19 HPC Consortium for research on conformational changes of the spike protein.

Mar 9, 2020
Alaa El-Khouly, a Master of Biomedical Engineering student, joins the lab. Welcome, Alaa!

Feb 15, 2020
Lab members attend the 2020 Biophysical Society Anual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

Feb 6, 2020
Dr. Moradi receives the Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award from the National Science Foundation.

Jan 24, 2020
Ugochi Isu was approved as a CHBC Ph.D. candidate after passing her cumulative examinations.

Jan 13, 2020
Ph.D. student Matthew Brownd joins the lab. Welcome, Matthew!

Dec 2,2019
Vivek Govind Kumar passed his CEMB candidacy exam.

Nov 20, 2019
Dr. James Losey joins the lab as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow.

Oct 9, 2019
Newswire write-up on the recent publication in Scientific Reports.

Sep 18, 2019
The manuscript from Moradi Lab with an undergraduate first author is accepted for publication at Scientific Reports (preprint). Congrats Thomas!

Sep 17, 2019
Moradi Lab receives an NSF grant on “Atomic-level Structural Dynamics in Catalysts”. This is part of a collaborative grant to support an interdiscilinary research project involving six different labs across the US with expertise in data science, computational techniques, materials science, and biophysics.

Mar 13, 2019
Moradi Lab (and 5 other labs across the US) are awarded access to Blue Waters supercomputer at University of Illinois by Great Lakes Consortium for Petascale Computation (GLCPC) .

Jan 22, 2019
Newswire Highlights the research conducted in Moradi Lab and published in ACS Central Science: New Insight Into Cell Membranes Could Improve Drug Testing and Design.

Jan 7, 2019
Moradi Lab publishes a research article in ACS Central Science, proposing a novel lipid-dependent mechanism for ABC exporters.

Oct 15,2018
Moradi Lab is awarded access to the specialized supercomputer, Anton 2, housed at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. 57 research labs across the US have been awarded access to Anton in this cycle.

Sep 10-14, 2018
Upcoming Event: Hands-on Workshop on Enhanced Sampling and Free-Energy Calculation at Urbana, IL.

Aug 30, 2018
Collaborative work on ALS-causing mutations of PFN1 protein was published in Scientific Reports. Moradi Lab collaborated with several Labs at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences on this project.

Apr 27, 2018
Moradi Lab (and 8 other labs across the US) are awarded access to Blue Waters supercomputer at University of Illinois by Great Lake Consortium for Petascale Computation (GLCPC).

Feb 22, 2018
Newswire highlights the collaborative work with the Department of Education at U. Arkansas and Fayetteville High School published at Biochem. Mol. Biol. Educ. in an article: Professors, High School Teachers Study Use of Modeling Software to Boost Science Education.

May 9, 2017
Moradi’s collaborative work with the UIUC team makes it to the headline of Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) website: Assembling Life’s Molecular Motor.

Jan 13, 2017
Arkansas Newswire Headline: U of A chemist develops new theory for explaining the function of proteins.

Jan 6, 2017
Thomas Harkey receives an Honors College Research Grant for the Spring and Fall 2017 terms.

Dec 13, 2016
Research conducted in Moradi Lab on the GkPOT transporter and the limitations of molecular dynamics appears in J. Phys. Chem. B.

Dec 9, 2016
Dr Moradi coauthors a paper on chemomechanical couplings in V–type ATPases, published in J. Am. Chem. Soc.

Nov 18, 2016
Dr Moradi’s paper appears in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters: Effective Riemannian Diffusion Model for Conformational Dynamics of Biomolecular Systems.

Nov 1, 2016
Moradi Lab is awarded 460,000 MDUs on molecular dynamics specialized supercomputer Anton 2, housed at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. 52 research labs across the US have been awarded access to Anton in this cycle.

Oct 22, 2016
Mitchell Benton and Reid Shelton present posters at the <a href=> 2016 Conference for Arkansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE)</a>.

Sep 19, 2016
Hamid Tabari joins the lab as a graduate student in CEMB program.

Jun 2, 2016
Moradi Lab (and 10 other labs across the US) are awarded access to Blue Waters supercomputer at University of Illinois by Great Lake Consortium for Petascale Computation (GLCPC).

May 18, 2016
Mitchell Benton receives an Honors College Research Grant for the Summer and Fall 2016 terms.

Apr 19, 2016
Dr Jeevapani Hettige joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow.

Feb 1, 2016
Dr Kalyan Immadisetty joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow.

Nov 7, 2015
Dr Moradi gives an invited talk at the Joint Southeastern/Southwest ACS Regional Meeting, Memphis, TN.

Sep 29, 2015
Dr Moradi’s recent paper was published in Nature Communications. In this work, an entire transport process is, for the first time, reconstructed at an atomic level and characterized thermodynamically.